
We provide DHL, FedEx, TNT, UPS shipping within USA and to other countries. It's ensured that our products reach you in a timely and traceable manner. Usually, we will choose the courier service that best suits your destination. Of course, you can also contact us to choose your preferred courier service. We are committed to having all international shipments thoroughly inspected prior to shipment to ensure accurate delivery.


Order Confirmation and Shipping

When you have placed an order and completed the payment, we will send you an order confirmation by email within 1 hour, or, you could also see the order status on the “my account” page.


Generally, the order will be shipped within 3-5 Business Days after the order is confirmed on business days. You will receive a shipping information by email with a tracking number for tracing the order.



Shipping Fee

To United States:



21-44.99kg 45-69.99kg 70-99.99kg

100-169.99kg (air sea shipping)

U.S. $20.69+$6.13*Weights $19.83+$6.99*Weights $19.66+$7.15*Weights $22.6+$9.34*Weights $5.99*Weights



To Other Countries:

The shipping fee will be calculated by different weight and country. You can calculate the shipping cost on the product page and check the shipping cost when placing an order.


Please Check  Global freight Description for More Detailed Shipping Fee by Different Shipping Countries.



Estimated Delivery Time


Generally, the in-stock products will be shipped within 3-5 Business Days after the order is confirmed on business days.

1. Estimated delivery time to USA: 2-5 Business Days

2. Estimated delivery time to other countries: 2-10 Business Days

3. Delivery times are estimated under normal circumstances. Actual times ultimately depend on international courier schedules and local customs/duties.


Special Conditions

1. Please ensure that the delivery address and contact number you fill in are accurate so that the carrier can make a smooth delivery.

2. If you don’t receive the order confirmation email or shipment confirmation email, please contact us.

3. Customized products may take longer to ship and we will contact you via email or phone on the exact delivery time.

4. If you purchase multiple products, we will try our best to combine the packages to save your shipping fees.

5. Orders placed on weekends or major holidays will be shipped within 3-5 Business Days at the end of the off days.

6. All products and shipping quotes are in US dollars. Shipping methods and times will depend on the destination.

7. Customers are responsible for all import duties and taxes incurred.


We promise to provide our customers with fast, premium delivery services worldwide. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us, and we will reply you promptly.